This workshop equips freelancers, artists and entrepreneurs with the tools they need to make effective rate-setting decisions that maximize profitability. Discover alternative payment methods and gain the confidence to articulate your unique selling points, ensuring you bill all hours effectively. We leave time for group discussion and Q&A to ensure all your questions are answered.
This workshop is led by Jillian Climie, who has spent her career in executive compensation, and Sophie Warwick, who specializes in developing in-house gender equity policies and chairing Employee Resource Groups.
Location: The Garden Strathcona, 868 East Hastings St Vancouver (upstairs)
Schedule: Doors open at 1:00pm, panel starts promptly at 1:30pm
Cost: Attendance is free or pay what you can with proceeds going to the Olivia Quan Award for Audio Excellence scholarship.
This event is open to all women, non-binary, trans, two-spirit, and those comfortable sharing the lived experiences of female folks, including creatives, students, freelancers and entreprenuers within the BC music community.